City Planning | Urban Design | Visioning | Regenerative Interventions
Advisory Services for Public, Private, Non-Profit and Institutional Clients
Advisory Services for Public, Private, Non-Profit and Institutional Clients
City planning and urban design are serious work. They affect how we live, interact with each other, relate to our surroundings and change our environments. They affect our health, where we spend our time and money, where we romance and where we feel happy or sad.
I LOVE cities -- of all sizes. Towns and villages as well. Glamorous or sleazy, it doesn't matter. I get lost in them, walking around, taking photos, getting those 10,000 steps in (medical research indicates that there is no enhanced life expectancy benefit beyond walking 12,000 steps a day).
I recognize that the human race, including the urban planning profession, has generally not been doing a stellar job as steward of Planet Earth.We have also consistently under-performed at quality place-making. I aim to change this (with perhaps a little help).
I believe that every planning intervention must improve living and working conditions for all: current and future residents and businesses, real estate developers, astronauts, entrepreneurs, artists, children, the elderly, the disabled, farmers, construction workers, white collar professionals, yoga instructors, journalists, nurses, nuclear scientists, chefs, restaurateurs, writers, postal workers and all other occupations or conditions.
Every planning intervention presents opportunities to correct past mistakes, distortions and injustices, while making a profit and generating new wealth. My goal is not just to minimize negative impacts or externalities, but rather to improve existing conditions through regenerative strategies that refuse formulaic responses, don't take no for an answer and turn neglected opportunities into new solutions. Through thoughtful, social justice AND market-responsive interventions, we can vastly improve the quality of our built environment, help correct social and economic disparities, make better use of scarce resources and greatly enhance the performance of degraded natural systems.
I consider anything short of that a failure of the imagination and unacceptable.
I LOVE cities -- of all sizes. Towns and villages as well. Glamorous or sleazy, it doesn't matter. I get lost in them, walking around, taking photos, getting those 10,000 steps in (medical research indicates that there is no enhanced life expectancy benefit beyond walking 12,000 steps a day).
I recognize that the human race, including the urban planning profession, has generally not been doing a stellar job as steward of Planet Earth.We have also consistently under-performed at quality place-making. I aim to change this (with perhaps a little help).
I believe that every planning intervention must improve living and working conditions for all: current and future residents and businesses, real estate developers, astronauts, entrepreneurs, artists, children, the elderly, the disabled, farmers, construction workers, white collar professionals, yoga instructors, journalists, nurses, nuclear scientists, chefs, restaurateurs, writers, postal workers and all other occupations or conditions.
Every planning intervention presents opportunities to correct past mistakes, distortions and injustices, while making a profit and generating new wealth. My goal is not just to minimize negative impacts or externalities, but rather to improve existing conditions through regenerative strategies that refuse formulaic responses, don't take no for an answer and turn neglected opportunities into new solutions. Through thoughtful, social justice AND market-responsive interventions, we can vastly improve the quality of our built environment, help correct social and economic disparities, make better use of scarce resources and greatly enhance the performance of degraded natural systems.
I consider anything short of that a failure of the imagination and unacceptable.